
iJAWS #6 @GDI Communications

2015-03-26(木)19:30 - 21:00 JST

GDI Communications Tokyo office

Loge Aoyama #301, 1-4-5 Kita-aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo


Hello iJAWS members!

We are so happy to announce of hosting the 6th iJAWS meet up.
We are planning to have more disucssion and Q&A session with 4-6 volunteers to join the discussion and 5 to 10 people as an audience to make it self-driven by AWS users.
If you want to join the discussion as a volunteer, please let us know.
Audience will be more than welcome to join, of course!

To invite new non-native and native English speakers especially…

  • who are not familiar with AWS but want to learn AWS in English
  • who are familiar with AWS and want a chance to communicate in English
  • who are familiar with AWS and want to make a presentation in English

Time table
19:30-19:40 Introduction
19:40-20:20 Discussion, Q&A Time
20:20-20:30 Closing
20:30-20:50 Free chat

Topics to be discusssed

When you arrive the entrance, please call #301.

Last not but least, let's enjoy craft beer (one or two cans for each) after the session!
We look forward to seeing you there!


International JAWS - International Japan AWS User Group

International JAWS - International Japan AWS User Group

世界一のAWS (Amazon Web Services)ユーザグループであるJapan AWS User Groupsの国際的なサブコミュニティです。 iJAWSは日本に滞在する英語圏の方と英語が得意とする日本人が英語で最新のAWS情報を語り合うコミュニティです。主にプレゼンテーションやLT(ライトニングトーク)等という形で、楽しく日本の技術的なコミュニティを盛り上げていきます。
